Contoh Soal UTS Semester Ganjil Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 1
Hallo adik-adik kelas 1 SD, hari ini kita akan berlatih mengerjakan Contoh Soal UTS Semester Ganjil Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 1, are you ready?
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b or c !
(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) huruf a,b, atau c!)
1. bie - ei – el – el = ....
a. book
b. ball
c. bell
2. bie – ei – jie = ....
a. big
b. bed
c. bag
3. This is letter ....
a. ei
b. bi
c. si
4. ef is for letter ....
a. b b. e c. f
5. si – ei – ar = ....
a. car
b. bicycle
c. bus
6. That is number ....
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
7. 3 4 5 ... 7
Three four five ... seven
a. Five b. six c. Seven
8. There are ... pencils.
a. five
b. eight
c. nine
9. Four plus two is ....
a. four b. five c.six
10. 8 is for number ...
a. six b. seven c. eight
II. Write the letters bellow !
(Tulis huruf berikut!)
1 11. ar = ....
12. ei = ....
III. Write the numbers bellow !
(Tulis angka berikut!)
13. two = ....
14. nine = ....
15. five = ....
1. b 6. a 11. r
2. c 7. b 12. a
3. c 8. a 13. 2
4. c 9. c 14. 9
5. a 10. c 15. 5
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